Ξύστες Αφίσες #100Bucketlist

Dreaming makes life a wonderful adventure. But, as the old saw goes, there is many a slip twixt the cup and the lip. To realize our best aspirations, each of us needs a clear direction. There has been a lot of hype recently about goal-setting. Truth is setting goals alone won’t cut it. Most folks also require something or someone to provide motivation: tasks that are inspiring enough to get you up and going. Thirdly, you cannot make it with routine everyday tasks. For wonders to happen, you need get out of the rut.

Few words of what the Scratch-off Bucket List is

We speak of the kind of bucket list ideas that create a sense of real achievement and joy. A bucket list is a roll of things to try in life. Many people associate the concept with the expression ‘to kick the bucket’. Hence, a bucket list challenge refers to the type of challenges that make life meaningful. We only live once. The point is not to miss the marvelous things that destiny holds in store for those brave enough to take on the quest. 1dea.me’s bucket list activities are based on thrilling and achievable stuff people would like to do but often lose sight of, because the daily demands placed on them can be overwhelming. Stop! It is not an excuse to let life pass you by. Get yourself a scratch list and stick with it. Let it be a beacon of light in the melee of your usual responsibilities. Each time to scratch off another item it will fill you with enthusiasm to push further.

What could be your «to-do’s» in the list

A designer #100Bucketlist from 1dea.me is a spin off your regular to-do list rounded to one hundred of truly exciting items. Instead of ticking stuff off, you scrape the overlaying scratchable foil, the way you would go about a lottery ticket or a top-up card. Thus, you reveal the underlying achievement.

We offer a selection of posters aimed at kids and teenagers. Those posters are full of exciting bucketlist ideas for a meaningful and colorful childhood.

Apart from the motivational lists, 1dea.me store carries scratch world and regional maps that inspire to go places. Follow this link to find out more.

Still not sure what is the perfect gift?

Our scratch-off posters focus on great bucket list ideas hand-picked by creative and forward-looking people who adore adventure, travel, lifelong education and achievement. Items on 1dea.me stock make fabulous gifts for friends, family, co-workers or significant others. We sell experiences. Here are but a few:

  • Need a cool present for a couple? We may recommend our romantic ##100BucketList LOVE edition, suitable for the newlyweds as well as those who celebrate a wedding anniversary.
  • Star Map of the Sky is a fantastic gift for anyone. The glowing map shows all the splendor of constellations, the Zodiac and the Milky Way.
  • Want to develop your kid’s goal-setting skills in a fun way? Choose this #100BucketList JUNIOR edition

Take some of our ideas of what to do this year

You will be impressed with our approach to design and service. 1dea.me sends posters packed in tubes crafted in the same style, with lower convertible parts that can be turned into complementary memory boxes once the poster is taken out. Hang posters on the wall with invisible tacks and store memorabilia in the box. To each bucket list we add something extra as a bonus: markers, quizzes, tacks, scratchers… To prevent marks your nails may leave on the designer plastic or paper, we recommend scratchers to scrape with.

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